Reasons You Should Never Lie About Car Accident To Insurance Companies
Have you ever lied about a car accident before? If so, then you probably feel very embarrassed and even ashamed. You may even think that it is OK since you are not committing a crime by lying but the insurance company may still consider you as a risk. If you have lied about an accident before, then you may feel that your claim may be rejected or it may not be given its due. It is never good that you lie about an accident but since this kind of lies could cause accidents, it is better for you to tell the truth.
Insurance companies usually examine a person's driving record and the circumstances surrounding the car accident in order to determine whether or not you are a safe driver. Your insurance rates are affected by your past record. The worse the driving record the higher the rate, because your insurance company considers all risks that could occur when you are behind the wheel.
Some people think that if they will just exaggerate the accident and say that they were at fault, they can get away with it. This is simply not true. Insurance companies are very aware of what is said and written in records. If you exaggerate, then you are definitely committing a criminal offense. Insurance company staff will be able to see all the things that have been written down by other people, which means that your claim will be rejected because they will be unable to find any significant thing in your report.
You need to write down all details about the accident so that the insurance company can prove what happened. They are more likely to believe you if you give them specific details. The claim will be rejected if they do not have all the information they need. Even though you are not guilty of the accident, lying about it may cause unnecessary complications later on.
When you go to look for medical treatment, the insurance company may ask you to make false statements. The reason for this is simple. They may ask you if the accident occurred while you were driving and the only you know is that it took place somewhere else. They may ask if you took any medicine or if there was anything missed from your vehicle. False answers to these questions can lead to severe consequences.
When you are working to repair your car accident claim, lying will simply not do you any good. You may be seen as a dishonest person and this may damage your credibility in the eyes of the insurance company. If you have been involved in many accidents, you may lose credibility, even if the fault was completely yours. Therefore, you need to be absolutely truthful whenever you are speaking to any company about your car accident.
Lying about an accident is often associated with drunk driving. Many people think that if they say one thing after another, they will be safe from prosecution. This is however, not so. does not care how many times you have driven after drinking. However, they will take into consideration any factors that caused you to drive while intoxicated.
The main thing to remember is that it is important to give details that accurately match what has happened in a specific accident. If you lie about a traffic accident or a pedestrian mishap, you could be in serious trouble. In addition, you could damage the reputation of the company, which means that they may not be willing to work with you in the future. When people realize that you have deliberately given different details about an accident, they will consider you as untrustworthy and this can mean bad things for you in the future.